River Rouge Hosts Coat Drive for Kids in Need, Trinity Transportation Gets Involved

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River Rouge Hosts Coat Drive for Kids in Need, Trinity Transportation Gets Involved

Friday, December 18th, 2015

‘Tis the season for giving. Especially at River Rouge High School.

Tarence Wheeler, River Rouge Public School’s Director of Community Outreach and Parent Engagement, explained how important it is for schools to break down any barriers that students might have that would prevent them from getting an education. This is why the coat drive at River Rouge high school began.

Starting on December 14th and running until February 22nd, 2016, River Rouge high school is accepting new or gently used coats to be donated to kids in need. Students that are in need of coats are able to come to the high school and pick up a jacket if they don’t have one. Mr. Wheeler explained that while the coats are housed at River Rouge high school, the child does not need to belong to the school district to obtain a coat.

“The goal is to provide over 500 coats for our young people, in particular K-5,” said Wheeler. “Our goal at River Rouge School District is to provide ethical care and supplemental services to our children and families.”

Mr. Wheeler reached out to multiple different organizations to get them to donate coats for the cause, and Trinity Transportation was one of those companies. Trinity donated 50 brand new coats of all different sizes for the coat drive.

David Holls, Trinity Transportation’s IMG_7085Regional Operations Manager, mentioned how Trinity Transportation has been a provider for River Rouge schools for decades and how important it is to help provide services for students even after they step off the school bus. “The safety of our passengers has always been our top priority,” said Holls. “Part of that safety is ensuring that all of our students have the proper care when they are out in these cold winter months.”

If you are interested in donating a coat to this program, please call 313-205-9826 or visit 1460 Coolidge Hwy, River Rouge. You can find out more about this event at WCHB News.

"Shop with a Cop" Annual Event, Trinity Transportation Donates School Bus

Friday, December 11th, 2015

“Shop with a Cop”

December 9th was the Annual “Shop with a Cop” event put on by Grosse Pointe Farms Police Department. This is the 5th year this event has been held and Grosse Pointe Farms Public Safety Officer Veronica Cashion was excited to see it return.

“Shop with a Cop” normally consists of the Police Officers in Grosse Pointe Farms and a couple of surrounding cities taking 25-50 special needs children Christmas shopping at a local Target. The day usually includes a lunch with the children and officers as well.

The students that participated this year were from Ferry Elementary in Grosse Pointe Farms. This year, rather than shopping, the children were invited to Grosse Pointe Farms Pier Park to do arts and crafts with the police officers, then got to meet Santa where they were each given gifts.

Trinity Transportation donated the school bus transportation for this event. Not only did the children get to ride from their school to the venue where the event took place, but they received a police escort on the way. Two Trinity Transportation drivers that normally service these children on a daily basis were able to show up and celebrate the holiday with them. Take a look at the event below!

Trinity Transportation Continues Expansion into Detroit, Provides Shuttle Service for the Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State University

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

Trinity Transportation is proud to announce that as of January 2016, they will be the new transportation provider for the shuttle services offered at the Detroit Medical Center (DMC) and Wayne State University. They will be providing roughly 9 mid sized mini coaches that will operate Monday thru Friday available to both Wayne State students and faculty and DMC workers (over 40,000 people combined).

Detroit Medical Center Hospital

This new partnership between the DMC/Wayne State University and Trinity Transportation comes just months after Trinity acquired the majority of school routes for Detroit Public Schools. Trinity currently has two bus terminals in the city of Detroit where they manage around 100 school routes for DPS.

“We are very excited to add DMC to our list of partnerships,” said Austin Arksey, Trinity Transportation’s Chief Operating Officer. Trinity already has prior experience transporting Wayne State University’s athletic teams. “We’re also very excited to branch out into the city of Detroit and be a part of its resurgence.”

Arksey also says that the company plans on purchasing more buses to add to their fleet for this acquisition.

Trinity runs the shuttle service for many other universities throughout the southeast Michigan area and has been working diligently to ensure the transition between the current shuttle provider for DMC/WSU and them goes smoothly. 

Every Trinity Transportation Employee to Receive a Turkey for Thanksgiving, Participates in “13 Days of Thanksgiving”

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

For those who are unfamiliar with Trinity, we love the holidays!

This time of year is especially great because with most schools on holiday break, our drivers are given some time off to spend with their families. And with 2015 being a very busy year for Trinity, many will greatly appreciate this time that they have to wind down with the ones that they love.

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Trinity Transportation’s Sales Director, Natalie Lozon, says that it’s great to enjoy time off with her family. “During the year, it seems like everyone is always so busy with work, school, and athletics,” she said. “Holiday’s are great because we get to take a break from all of that and enjoy each other’s company.”

At Trinity, we try to make the holiday time as fun and exciting as we can leading up to the end of the year.

Tracy Akers (Vice President), Jerry Sheppard (Owner and President), and School Bus Driver

Turkey Distribution For Trinity Employees

Each year, Trinity’s President and Owner Jerry Sheppard travels to each terminal during the Thanksgiving season and distributes a turkey to each and every employee at Trinity Transportation. Trinity currently employs almost 800 people, including drivers, mechanics, and office staff. Mr. Sheppard is a firm believer that each employee should not go without a Turkey on Thanksgiving. He plans on traveling to each of the 8 Trinity Transportation terminals between November 23rd and November 24th to meet with employees before they enjoy the holiday weekend.

Trinity Transportation’s “13 Days of Thanksgiving”

To get employees excited for Thanksgiving and Trinity’s turkey giveaway, we will be having “13 Days of Thanksgiving” that will consist of employees telling us what Thanksgiving means to them. Starting this Friday, we will post a different image each day with a Trinity employee holding up what they consider to be some of the things they are thankful for. Keep an eye out for some pictures of your peers!


Trinity Makes Donations to American Cancer Society, Decals Prius in Pink Ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Monday, October 19th, 2015
Trinity Pink Out

Trinity Celebrity and 28 year Breast Cancer Survivor “Miss Bobbie”

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and this past Friday, Trinity Transportation dubbed it “Breast Cancer Awareness Friday”! Trinity Transportation organized a Pink Out across all of their terminals and the turnout was amazing.

Aside from wearing pink, one of terminals located on the west side of Detroit took it a step further and held a bake sale to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Over the course of the month, they set a goal of $10,000 and are very close to reaching it.


Trinity Pink Out

President and Owner Jerry Sheppard and Fundraising Organizer and Trinity Employee Sharon Webb

When Trinity Transportation’s President and Owner, Jerry Sheppard, found out about this, he felt that he needed to jump in and help. He ended up donating $1,000 to the American Cancer Society on behalf of the company to help the Crusader’s for Life team reach their goal.





Now of course, website 2Trinity was too creative to stop there. Mr. Sheppard went a step further and had one of the company’s Prius cars painted in pink with pink ribbons on each of the vehicle’s sides. Trinity has done this in the past and thought it would be not only fun but a great way to show its support for this cause.


Several employees from the different Trinity terminals sent in group pictures of themselves sporting their pink attire. Take a look below! #TeamTrinity


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New Dedicated Charter Center

Trinity/Durham Transportation is thrilled to announce our Dedicated Charter Center located at 24500 Van Born Road, Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Our Charter Center accommodates the needs of our clients who travel at any time throughout the day.

There are no time restrictions that require us to work around existing home to school routes. 

Contact – Reservations@TrinityTransportaton.com


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