
River Rouge Hosts Coat Drive for Kids in Need, Trinity Transportation Gets Involved

‘Tis the season for giving. Especially at River Rouge High School.

Tarence Wheeler, River Rouge Public School’s Director of Community Outreach and Parent Engagement, explained how important it is for schools to break down any barriers that students might have that would prevent them from getting an education. This is why the coat drive at River Rouge high school began.

Starting on December 14th and running until February 22nd, 2016, River Rouge high school is accepting new or gently used coats to be donated to kids in need. Students that are in need of coats are able to come to the high school and pick up a jacket if they don’t have one. Mr. Wheeler explained that while the coats are housed at River Rouge high school, the child does not need to belong to the school district to obtain a coat.

“The goal is to provide over 500 coats for our young people, in particular K-5,” said Wheeler. “Our goal at River Rouge School District is to provide ethical care and supplemental services to our children and families.”

Mr. Wheeler reached out to multiple different organizations to get them to donate coats for the cause, and Trinity Transportation was one of those companies. Trinity donated 50 brand new coats of all different sizes for the coat drive.

David Holls, Trinity Transportation’s IMG_7085Regional Operations Manager, mentioned how Trinity Transportation has been a provider for River Rouge schools for decades and how important it is to help provide services for students even after they step off the school bus. “The safety of our passengers has always been our top priority,” said Holls. “Part of that safety is ensuring that all of our students have the proper care when they are out in these cold winter months.”

If you are interested in donating a coat to this program, please call 313-205-9826 or visit 1460 Coolidge Hwy, River Rouge. You can find out more about this event at WCHB News.


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