
September Employee Newsletter

Transportation Angels on Wheels – By Carl IngramCarl Ingram Safety Director

Each day in the state of Michigan, students are being transported to and from school safely by caring bus individuals such as Drivers, Bus Attendants, Para-Pro’s, and Nurses while riding on the yellow school bus.  Not to mention all the people working behind the scene daily.  These dedicated people go well beyond the call of duty in providing a safe haven for our future generation and building relationships that can last a lifetime.

These angels on wheels protect students from being bullied during their ride by displaying positive behavior and creating a respectful environment for all students.  Many of these professionals nurture students by teaching them to read a book during their daily commute.  Their job is to always be on the lookout for danger that a child may not see coming, such as the recent incident that made national news where a driver lost his life while trying to protect his students. Even in the face of danger this driver did not hesitate to defend his students on board his bus.

As drivers, bus attendants, para-pro’s, and nurses get ready to depart the bus lot, you can hear them saying “let me go pickup my babies” or “little darlings.” You know that they have pride in what they are doing by showing love as they travel the road ahead. Many of them even volunteer at school functions and show support by attending sporting events just to see the smiles on the students’ faces.  So I say to each one of these employees on the yellow school bus, you have indeed earned your “Wings” as a protector of our future generation.  Therefore, we can assure parents that their children are in good hands each day when they are being transported here in Michigan and beyond, so be safe as you travel the road ahead!

Welcome Backpic

Welcome back to all of our school bus drivers and aides who were off for the summer and thanks to all of those who helped out with summer field trips and routes. You are much appreciated for your time and patience! We look forward to another school year with all of you! 



Employee SpotlightSept Employee Spotlight

Teamwork was in full effect this summer while we provided service to the JCC summer camps. Every summer, the Jewish Community Center offers more than 100 programs and trips to the area’s youth. This was the first year we handled both national and local trips and it was a huge success! The trips were a collaborative effort amongst the school bus and motorcoach departments. A big Thank You to everyone who helped build our relationship with JCC. Craig Kimball, Bobby Stubbs, and Lamont Twitty were all key members in helping the local school bus trips run smoothly and efficiently. They provided excellent assistance to campers, parents, counselors, and other drivers. On behalf of everyone you helped, thanks for your commitment to our team!

Look at us grow!

Contract Extensions

Wayne State University | Eastern Michigan University | Schoolcraft College | Grosse Pointe Public Schools System

New Contracts

Southgate Public Schools
Look for some new faces who have joined our team and welcome them to the Trinity family! Brian Plozai will be overseeing Southgate Public Schools and Wyandotte Public Schools from the Wyandotte office.

Delta College of Saginaw
We’ll be doing all of their athletic teams’ transportation. They’ll be using coaches and mini coaches so there are a lot of opportunities for drivers.

Wyandotte Public Schools
We’re excited to team with the Wyandotte schools in providing their daily routes.

Oakland University Athletics
From track to basketball, Trinity Transportation will be Oakland University’s go-to provider for their athletic transportation needs. Let us know if you’re interested in driving for them! 

New Booking & Dispatch System for Trinity Cars

DigitalDipatch_spot_800pxTrinity Cars is updating the booking and dispatch system to Digital Dispatch Systems (DDS). The new software offers many features to help improve the entire process from booking to dispatch. 

Server Based

The new system is server based. Unlike the old system that was internet based, this new system will not be dependent upon internet speed or connection.
What this means to you? Less time spent with each customer means calls can be handled quickly and efficiently with less hold time for customers.

Intelligent Caller ID

The new system incorporates an intelligent ID system that will recognize the customer’s number and pull up their information and booking system.
What this means to you? Customer calls can be handled quicker than ever. No more manually pulling up information and trip history. 

Advanced Dispatch System

The new system has an advanced, color coded dispatch system.
What this means to you? We can efficiently dispatch vehicles based on location and estimated completion time of the current trip.


One Year

Cindy Ballard
Zoette Beard
Kevin Dauzy
Gail Donald
Betty Hodges
Marcia Jones
Charles Kamm
Janeen Kennedy
Althea McGlory
Lee Newby
Everett Thomas

Five Years

Angel Collins
Regina Gibson
Daniel Goodman
Gregory Hudson
Terry Jones
Michelle Phillips














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New Dedicated Charter Center

Trinity/Durham Transportation is thrilled to announce our Dedicated Charter Center located at 24500 Van Born Road, Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Our Charter Center accommodates the needs of our clients who travel at any time throughout the day.

There are no time restrictions that require us to work around existing home to school routes. 

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